A Map that Reflects the Territory

A Map that Reflects the Territory

Selected Chapters/Essays:

Meta-Honesty: Firming up Honesty Around its Edge Cases (the Basics) - Eliezer Yudkowsky

The basic formulation of a vow of Meta-Honesty: (Numbering and sectioning my own)

  1. Be at least as honest as an unusually honest person would.
  2. Furthermore, when somebody asks for it and especially when you believe they're asking for it under this code, try to convey a frank and accurate picture of the sorts of circumstances under which you would lie.
  3. Literally never swear by your meta-honesty that you wouldn't lie about a hypothetical situation that you would in fact lie about.

Being a Robust Agent - Ray Arnold

  • Ray Arnold believes that the Rationality: A-Z Sequences implicitly have the following Goal or Telos: "You might want to become a more robust, coherent agent."
  • This post is a coherent, short description of how to move towards having robust agency.

Why everything might have taken so long - Katja Grace

  1. Inventing is harder than it looks. Related, "Reality has a surprising amount of detail"
  2. People fifty thousand years ago were not really behaviorally modern
  3. Prequisites
  4. Nobody can do much at all
  5. People were really busy
  6. Communication and records
  7. Social costs
  8. Population
  9. Value
  10. Orders of invention

Embedded Agency, by Scott Garrabrant and Abram Demski. 6-post series online, 1 post in the book