Hello, I’m Mauricio Arreola-Garcia or Mauricio A-G for short. I can tell you stories that inspire you to participate in building the future.
Hello there! This personal website reflects my creative, fun-loving side. For my services, please refer to my professional sites.
⦿ I'm a citizen of the Internet, with profiles and sites across the web. The Internet belongs to all of us, and we can all build it together.
⦿ I'm an ambassador to many online and offline communities which have inspired me and changed my life. I am paying the favor forward by sharing my most valuable messages and stories with others.
⦿ I'm an intellectual explorer, constantly on the hunt for new ideas, research, and culture. I build and write on this site to learn in public, develop new ideas, and have new experiences.
⦿ I've been a story-teller my whole life. At times, I have written public speeches and performances (humorous, dramatic, informative, and more) for the sake of bringing people together. All of my writing helps me to find my voice.
⦿ I'm a business intelligence analyst, with skills in many software tools for creating informative knowledge assets. Building this site has helped me learn and apply these tools to new heights.
I've been working professionally as a business intelligence analyst and analytics consultant. Some of my specialties include data visualization, forecasting, report design, data engineering, developing KPIs and metrics, knowledge management, and writing documents. I see opportunities to perform these skills better using new innovations in writing and presentation. This website is a way for me to sharpen my skills.
For fun, I like to listen to music, play musical instruments, exercise, play video games, and participate in online culture.
Some of my favorite intellectual topics include machine learning, psychology, the science of learning, outer space, human culture, online culture, dating culture, and world history.